Finally I can share my two latest stitching finishes. They were both gifts for people who may have stumbled across my blog and so I couldn't share until they'd been gifted, which happened this last weekend.
They are both dice bags for members of my D&D roleplaying group (yes I'm 30-mmmph and I still play D&D).
The first one was for a friend who loves Eddie Izzard and quotes lines on a regular basis, however the one we hear the most in our gaming sessions is 'Covered in Bees!' from his Beekeeper sketch. So of course when I needed a design for his dice bag, well it had to be covered in bees.
I pinched a little bee motif from an Anchor Winnie the Pooh design and repeated it 34 times over the area to be stitched (I was sick of stitching that bloody bee by the end of it!) and here's the result:
Here's what the stitching looked like before it was made up into the bag...
It's stitched on Sparklies Sunlit Forest Belfast Linen.
I can report that the recipient was well chuffed with his new dice bag, and repeated 'Covered in bees!' even more than usual during our Sunday gaming session *lol*
Tomorrow I'll post Nogard's Armoury...
1 week ago