I'm going on holiday, I'm going on holiday *hehehehee*
Sorry, I'm bouncing off the walls right now (really cheered me up after the last couple of days)
About a week ago, Mindy of SMF posted on her forum that she was going to be doing a class on dyeing at Gitta's Needlecraft Shop. This is in Canada. Wookiee and I had been wondering where to go for our holidays this year and I had wanted to go to North America anyway, I just didn't know where. So being the mad muppet that I am I decided I wanted to go to this class and what better excuse for a holiday is there.
Then a couple of days ago I was growing online looking for other things for us to do while we are over there and I found that CSNF is on in Toronto from the 13th-16th of October. Now we would be flying home on the 15th but that doesn't stop me going on the 13th or 14th. So I looked to see what classes were being run, and lo! There is a progressive needlecraft sampler class being run by Jennifer Aikman-Smith, Jeanette Douglas and the two ladies who own Gitta's.
So I told Wookiee we were going to Canada for our holidays this year *grin*
Today we both had our time off work approved and so I've just been on the phone booking the classes *yippee*. The woman I spoke to at Gitta's thought I was nuts, well yes, I am a stitcher after all.
I've still got to sort flights and hotels and other mundane stuff out, but the important things are done.
1 week ago