As you may know, I dye fabrics and threads and try and sell them to poor unsuspecting cross stitchers. I also spend far too much time on various forums full of those same poor unsuspecting stitchers. On one of these forums is another lady (K) who operates a ONS, except that now she's having to give it up because life has given her one too many lemons recently.
A little while ago another forum member suggested holding a S.E.X. party at her house, where myself and this other lady would take along our stock and other stitchers would come and buy it. Think tupperware party for stitchers. That happened last Saturday and a great time was had by all.
I used some very underhanded tactics (I turned up with my stuff) and forced several people (at flosspoint) to buy my products. I also had a frolic through K's stock and succumbed to the lure of silk threads and a chart.
The threads in question are Gloriana silk floss, and they are oh-so-strokeable. She had all of them strung onto one of those metal rings, and at one point I was sat with it in my lap, just stroking it, I half expected it to start purring.
I was very restrained on the day and only bought 11 skeins of the silks, but I've since emailed her asking for another 20 skeins (if she has them). The ones I bought on the day are Twilight Blue, Midnight, Bell Flower, Periwinkle, Red Clay, Sage, Ollalieberry(2), Merry's Mauve, Pigeon and Winterwoods.
The chart I bought is Blackstone Fantasy Garden by Ink Circles. I've been contemplating this design for a while now, and was going to add it to my wishlist, but then it was there, right under my nose, and I just couldn't resist. My plan is to stitch the design using the Gloirana silks instead of the Carries Creations threads used in the original, hence the request for more skeins of the silks, I need more colours to choose from.
I've made more progress on the tits too. I finished the fifth one last night, so just one more to go and it's done.
1 day ago