Hope you all had a good holiday and a merry New Year.
We had a relatively quiet time. We spent Christmas day at home just us, it's my day to relax and have a wee drinky, so no driving to rellies, no entertaining and the big dinner is ready when it's ready, although this year I did make an effort (and succeeded) to have it ready in time for Ewok's normal teatime so we could all eat together.
Boxing Day is usually spent visiting with Wookiee's family, his grandparents in the morning, a couple of drinks with his Dad in the pub before lunch and then the rest of the day at his parents house. This year we had to change the venue because his parent's house just isn't big or uncluttered enough to contain a nosey, scrambling, 'la-la-la I can't hear you saying no', pestering smaall person, plus they have a small, very exciteable dog. So this year they came to us for tea. Fortunately 'tea' in this case is just a cold meal of ham, cheese and salad. They couldn't stay for long because they had to get back to the dog, she doesn't travel well and they don't like to leave her for more than about 3 hours at a time.
Ewok got some great presents but his favourites so far are a VTech Tiny Touch Phone, a Little Tykes DiscoverSounds Guitar, and a large stuffed teddy. The teddy has been the biggest surprise, he has a few stuffed toys but hasn't seemed crazy about any one of them, but teddy got taken to bed on Christmas Day night and every night since. Sometimes he gets shoved to the bottom of the bed and then once I checked on Ewok before going to bed myself, and he was cuddling teddy in his sleep *aww*
I was given loads of books from my Amazon wishlist and a book light to allow me to read in bed without disturbing Ewok in his cot. I also took part in a stitching Secret Santa exchange and my SS sent me a wonderful parcel with the chart for Mushroom Tabernacle Choir, a large piece of SMF Cabernet, three skeins of WDW thread, a beaded scissor fob and a lovely little dragon figurine.
In other news, I've had a new product promotion in Gift of Stitching, it was a lovely article with a great picture and they said very nice things about my fabric and threads. I've already had two orders as a direct result, fingers crossed there's more to come.
I'm also supposed to have a very small piece in the issue of The World of Cross Stitching that comes out on 14th Jan (on the Best Buys pages), and look out for me in a giveaway promotion in Cross Stitcher (the UK one) in the issue that comes out on 1st Feb, No 197. That's one where you can write in to try and win something.
4 days ago