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You find yourself singing "I'm a tot, je suis une tot, Tilly, Tom and Tiny..." while you're doing the washing up. (Tots TV)You wonder when they're going to do an episode of In the Night Garden entitled Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle get a room.You come up with some alternative lyrics for Postman Pat, which start "Gangster Pat, Gangster Pat, Gangster Pat in his black and white spats."You start wondering just how gay Big Cook Ben actually is.You look forward to switching over to CITV to watch Pocoyo. Actually, IMO this is one of the nicest things on for kids these days, especially as the UK version is narrated by Stephen Fry.You decide it's about time Ewok saw some proper kids cartoons and go and dig out your complete box set of Dungeons and Dragons, follow that up with series one of Dogtanian and finish up with as many old Looney Tunes cartoons as you can find.