Well that's what it feels like anyhow.
We've got to that stage in the great house clear up. We (well Wookiee anyway) spend masses of time and energy sorting, boxing, shifting and storing, and yet the house doesn't seem to be any tidier now than it was two weeks ago. Sometimes it feels like it's going to be Christmas before the house is ready to show, and I originally wanted to get it on the market by the end of August!
Enough of that anyway, here's some stitching news:
I've decided (very last minuteish) that I'm going to the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace this year (this very Saturday in fact). The last couple of years I've been to the one in Harrogate and met up with stitchy friends from the north of the country. This time I decided I'd like to meet up with the southern bunch for a change.
Unfortunately, having left it this late to decide, I can't get any cheap train fares, so I'm going to drive there and back all in the one day, and it's about 2.5 hours each way. So I'll be totally pooped by the end of the day, but it'll be a good pooped.
I have only one specific stash thing that i'll be looking for, and that's some needles. Specifically very fine needles for stitching on silk gauze. You see I recently found this in my stash:
It's a very old piece that I stitched (and as you can see, didn't quite finish) back in the mid-90's. It's stitched on 45 count silk gauze (I went cross-eyed counting it), and the whole thing is just 33mm square.
I love the way stitching on silk gauze looks like a miniature painting from a distance and this kindled in me a somewhat crazy idea.
You see in my stash I also have a 10" square piece of this gauze, purchased around the same time, and in my wishlist I had this design, and this design (and for those who don't want to follow the links, it's a couple of Quick Stitch designs from Heaven and Earth Designs). Each design is 150 x 195 stitches, which means the finished pieces will only be 3.3" x 4.3". So I treated myself to both charts (they had a sale on), I have the fabric and I have the floss, so I just need the needles. If I can't find anything specifically for silk gauze then I'll have to manage with my short beading needles.
Yes, I know, I'm bonkers, crazy, nuts, totally tonto, call it what you like.
Moving on...
Joyus asked on one of the forums we both frequent, for people to show off their WIPs. As part of the big tidy up involved me sorting my stash, I was actually able to lay my hands on them all. So here for your delectation are my WIPs:
This is my oldest, Night by Teresa Wentzler, ongoing now for some 18 odd years. I will finish it one day, I will.
Next up, Celestial Dragon, also by TW:
Middy. Still a WIP because of all the blasted blending filament in the wings:
Nefertiti from Janlynn's Egyptian Pair:
Egyptian Garden from Chatelaine Designs:
My Tatty Teddy afghan, only one teddy completed so far thanks to the awful backstitching on those designs, and the fact that the afghan is 18 count evenweave, so you're effectively stitching over one:
Finally, my current piece, Chorus Line by Valerie Pfeiffer from Heritage:
I've actually stitched a little more since that picture was taken and the fourth tit now has a bottom!
Right, I think that's enough rambling for one night and it's time I was in bed.
1 week ago