Thursday, August 09, 2007

A lovely pair of tits

Sorry, but I had to go with that title. Lets see how many hits I get from people searching Google et al for something other than what this post is actually about.

Yes folks, it's a stitching update. Here's a piccy of my progress so far on my current WIP, Chorus Line.

Stitching is very slow these days. I can't sit and stitch while Ewok is on the loose, as he tries to pull everything off my lap tray. Unfortunately his bedtime doesn't come around until between 10pm and 11pm most nights, by which time I'm usually too tired myself to sit and stitch. So most of my stitching gets doen when he takes a nap in the early evening, but his naps only tend to last for 30 mins, and he doesn't always take one.

I've been working on this since the weekend GTG at the beginning of June and I stitched half of the first tit that weekend.

I am working on training Ewok not to pull stuff off the lap tray, so hopefully I may be able to start stitching again when he's awake. I'll keep you posted *grin*