Sunday, December 24, 2006


Whoopsie, didn't realise it had been so long since my last post. TBH there's not been a lot happening here.

Ewok is nearly three and a half months old now and still growing at a rate of knots. I've had to start putting him into 6-9 month size sleepsuits, although all his other 3-6 month clothes are still ok for now. He can hold his head up with barely a wobble now, and he can sit up quite nicely while supported, although he does have a tendancy to become fascinated by something and try and get to it, with a resulting collapse in that direction.

Here's a piccy for you that I have entitled 'Slumpy and Lumpy'

Click for larger image.

Slumpy being Ewok slumped in his chair and Lumpy being his Disney Lumpy character comfort blanket he's holding.

I've recently gone over to the dark side in a big way. Firstly I have succumbed to the lure of scrapbooking and papercrafting. This is something I've been toying with in order to try and create a baby book for Ewok, however I have so far felt lacking in the creative inspiration department. Which is where the second slip comes in. I've bought two bundles of scrapbooking and papaercrafting materials from...
QVC!!!!!!!! *cue doom laiden music*

It's all that Dawn Bibby's fault. She's brought out a new DVD which introduces you to all sorts of ideas and techniques, and then she bundled it with various materials so you can get started straight away. This was the "Today's Special Value" item a couple of days ago and I just couldn't resist. If you're really interested then click this link to see details of the bundle. The other bundle I bought was this one which also appeared to be pretty good value, and between the two of them I should have enough stuff to experiment with before starting on Ewok's scrapbook proper. So you can look forward to seeing pictures of trial pieces sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Right, got to go, time for bed.