Guess who forgot that she had private healthcare provided by work. Guess who called them up yesterday to enquire if they covered fertility investigations. Guess who was doing the happy dance when she found out that they did.
Yesterday I managed to rearrange my appointment to a hospital near where I work with a different consultant, and it’s a couple of days before my old one would have been. This is great on many levels. It being near to work means that if I have to go for an appointment during the day it won’t be as much time out of my day. My employers are legally obliged to allow me time off for medical reasons but they don’t have to like it, so anything I can do to reduce the time out I have to take is a good thing. It also sounds as though the consultant works afternoons and evenings which means I should be able to get appointments at the end of the day, thus taking even less time off work for it.
The other big thing for me is that it’s a new consultant, still a male but this time from the name I’m guessing an eastern origin. This means I’m a lot happier and more relaxed about seeing this guy. So it’s all good news for now.
I will have to pay for 20% of my treatment costs up to a maximum of £200 but I consider it a small price to pay to get seen and investigated far faster than would be possible on the NHS. At my age I don’t want to wait 2 years to find out that I need intervention, to be that much older and therefore have lower odds of intervention being successful.
Of course the insurance doesn’t cover the cost of any treatment but then I go back to my GP and the NHS for that, or pay for it myself if it’s not too expensive.
1 month ago